Coprinopsis P. Karst., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn. 2 (1): 27 (1881)
During the last 25 years, molecular phylogenetic analyses have made great impact on our understanding of phylogenetic relatonships among coprinoid fungi (Hopple and Vilgalys 1994, 1999; Moncalvo et al. 2002). The analyses have showed that the genus Coprinus Pers. sensu lato is not monophyletic. A minority of Coprinus species (including the type species C. comatus (O.F. Müll.) Pers.) is clustered near the genus Agaricus L., while the great majority of Coprinus species is grouped into three clades closely related to the genus Psathyrella (Fr.) Quél. Based on molecular studies, Redhead et al. (2001) transferred the majority of Coprinus species into three genera (Coprinellus P. Karst., Coprinopsis, and Parasola Redhead, Vilgalys & Hopple) within the newly proposed family Psathyrellaceae Vilgalys, Moncalvo & Redhead. Consequently, the genus Coprinopsis includes five subsections of Coprinus sensu lato, Alachuani Singer, Atramentarii (Fr.) Konrad & Maubl., Lanatuli J.E. Lange, Narcotici Uljé & Noordel., and Nivei Citérin. Further phylogenetic research (Larsson and Örstadius 2008; Padamsee et al. 2008; Örstadius et al. 2015) revealed that the genus Psathyrella is not monophyletic either. Based on these studies, some Psathyrella species belong to the genus Coprinopsis.