Coprinopsis lagopides (P. Karst.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo, Taxon 50 (1): 229 (2001)
Current Name : Coprinopsis lagopides (P. Karst.) Redhead, Vilgalys & Moncalvo, Taxon 50 (1): 229 (2001)
Basionym: Coprinus lagopides P. Karst., Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 5: 37 (1879
MycoBank number: MB 474613; Index Fungorum number: IF 474613; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10768;
Pileus 2.0 – 6.0 cm in diameter, greyish, scales silvery gray, appressed fibrillose surface covered with whitish or whitish-grey fibrils, which are flaking , cap ovoid to cylindrical, becoming convex to later flattened, finely sulcate- striate almost to the centre, margin splitting and finally reflexed. Flesh thin, fragile,barely auto-digesting. Velar hyphae ending in long cell like chains. Stipe length 3.0 – 11.0cm × 0.3– 1.2 cm in diameter, white, at first minutely downy then smooth, white wooly at the base, equal. Flesh hollow and fragile. fibrous. Lamellae at first white, rapidly becoming dark vinaceous, then black, adnexed to free, crowded. Spores brownish- black with vinaceous tints, ellipsoid or spindle shaped , smooth, 6.0 – 8.5 × 4.5 –7.0µm.Basidia 4-spored. Cystidia not distinctive.
Ecology and distribution: Coprinopsis lagopides
Specimens Examined – JNV/Mycl/ 1024/2018, by Reenu Chouhan, 24°53’18.17″N72°50’52.58″E Sirohi, elevation:321 m (1,053 ft). Mount Abu72.7083°E 24.5925°N, Sunset Point, 24.5995° N 72.6978° E elevation: 1108mGurushikhar area 24.6653° N, 72.7819° E, elevation: 1722 m.


Fig.3(a)Fruiting bodies of Coprinopsis lagopides showing coprophilous habit (b)Spores Scale bar =10 µm