Wolfiporia pseudococos F. Wu, J. Song & Y.C. Dai
MycoBank number: MB 818729 Facesoffungi number: FoF 2961
Etymology: referring to the similarity of Wolfiporia cocos.
Holotype: BJFC01938
Basidiocarp annual, resupinate, soft corky and without odour or taste when fresh, corky to fragile when dry, up to 10 cm long, 4 cm wide, 6 mm thick at centre. Margin thin, usually pores extend to the very edge. Pore surface cream to ash-grey when fresh, becoming pinkish-buff to cinnamon-buff when dry, not glancing; pores round, 1–3 per mm; dissepiments thick, even to slightly lacerate. Subiculum cinnamon-buff, corky, up to 1.5 mm; tubes corky to fragile, buff, up to 4.5 mm long. Hyphal system dimitic in all parts, generative hyphae with simple septa, skeletal hyphae dominant, all hyphae IKI-, CB-, weakly inflated in KOH. Subicular hyphal structure homogeneous, hyphae strongly interwoven; generative hyphae occasionally present, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, frequently simple septate, 4–6 µm in diam.; skeletal hyphae dominant, hyaline, thick-walled with a distinct wide lumen, usually winding, frequently branched, occasionally simple septate, 5–7 µm in diam. Tramal generative hyphae frequent, hyaline, thin-walled, occasionally branched, frequently simple septate, 3–5 µm in diam.; tramal skeletal hyphae frequent, hyaline, thick-walled with a wide lumen, winding, occasionally branched and simple septate, 4–6 µm in diam. Cystidia absent, cystidioles present; Basidia clavate, with four sterigmata and a basal simple septum, 18–25 × 10–14 µm, basidioles in shape similar to basidia but slightly smaller. Basidiospores ellipsoid to broadly ellipsoid, tapering at apiculus, hyaline, thin-walled, IKI-, CB-, (7.6–) 7.9–9.5 (–9.7) ´ (2.9–) 3–3.8 µm, L = 8.55 µm, W = 3.17 µm, Q = 2.7 (n = 30/1).
Specimen examined: CHANA, Hainan Province, Ledong County, Jianfengling Nature Reserve, On dead angiosperm tree, 1 June 2015, Dai 15269 (BJFC019380, holotype). GenBank numbers ITS:KX354451.
Notes: The phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence shows that the new species, Wolfiporia pseudococos, is closely related to W. cocos (F.A. Wolf) Ryvarden & Gilb, the type species of the genus Wolfiporia. Sequence data from three specimens of W. Cocos also clustered in a distinct lineage with strong support (100% BS, 1 BYPP), and the sequence of the new species formed a terminal lineage. Morphologically, Wolfiporia pseudococos is distinguished from W. cocos by the presence of cystidioles and larger basidiospores (7.9–9.5 × 3–3.8 µm vs. 6.5–8.1 × 2.8–3.1 µm). In addition, Wolfiporia cocos usually grows on conifers in temperate areas, but Wolfiporia pseudococos has a distribution in tropics and growing on angiosperm trees.