
Thyridaria thailandica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 16953

Thyridaria thailandica Z. L. Tun & K. D. Hyde, sp. nov. Index Fungorum number: IF 902650, Facesoffungi number: FoF 16953  Fig. 1 Etymology: — The name reflects the country where the specimen was collected, Thailand. Holotype: — MFLU 24-0001 Saprobic on unidentified decaying wood. Sexual morph: Ascomata 420–470 µm high × 350–368 µm wide [...]

2024-10-28T07:29:36+00:00October 28th, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridaria, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Thyridaria thailandica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 16953

Thyridariella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 03860

Thyridariella Devadatha, V.V. Sarma, K.D. Hyde, D.N. Wanas. & E.B.G. Jones, Mycol. Progr.: 17 (7): 797 (2018). MycoBank number: MB 823259; Index Fungorum number: IF 823259; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03860; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species with molecular data. Type species – Thyridariella mangrovei Devadatha, V.V. Sarma, K.D. Hyde, D.N. Wanas. & [...]

2022-09-22T06:27:53+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Thyridariella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 03860

Parathyridaria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08377

Parathyridaria Jaklitsch & Voglmayr, Stud. Mycol. 85: 48 (2016). MycoBank number: MB 817775; Index Fungorum number: IF 817775; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08377; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 5 species with molecular data. Type species – Parathyridaria ramulicola Jaklitsch, J. Fourn. & Voglmayr, Stud. Mycol. 85: 48 (2016). Notes – Jaklitsch & Voglmayr (2016) [...]

2022-09-22T06:18:14+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Parathyridaria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08377

Liua – Facesoffungi number: FoF 05709

Liua Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 95: 1–273 (2019). MycoBank number: MB 556175; Index Fungorum number: IF 556175; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05709; 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with molecular data. Type species – Liua muriformis Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, in Phookamsak et al., Fungal Divers. 95: 1–273 (2019). Notes – [...]

2022-09-22T06:14:39+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Liua – Facesoffungi number: FoF 05709

Cycasicola – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04052

Cycasicola Wanas., E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 89: 161 (2018). MycoBank number: MB 554213; Index Fungorum number: IF 554213; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04052; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species with molecular data. Type species – Cycasicola goaensis Wanas., E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 89: 161 (2018). Notes – [...]

2022-09-22T06:11:13+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Cycasicola – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04052

Thyridaria broussonetiae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08376

Thyridaria broussonetiae (Sacc.) Traverso, Fl. ital. crypt., Pars 1: Fungi. Pyrenomycetae. Xylariaceae, Valsaceae, Ceratostomataceae (Florence) 1(2): 301 (1906).  Fig. 157 MycoBank number: MB 569945; Index Fungorum number: IF 569945; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08376. ≡ Cucurbitaria broussonetiae Sacc., Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat. 2(1): 166 (1873). = Thyridaria incrustans Sacc., Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat. 2(1): [...]

2022-09-22T04:38:54+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Thyridaria broussonetiae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08376

Thyridaria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08375

Thyridaria Sacc., Grevillea 4(no. 29): 21 (1875). MycoBank number: MB 5463; Index Fungorum number: IF 5463; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08375; 30 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 3 species with molecular data. Type species – Thyridaria broussonetiae (Sacc.) Traverso, Fl. ital. crypt., Pars 1: Fungi. Pyrenomycetae. Xylariaceae, Valsaceae, Ceratostomataceae (Florence) 1(2): 301 (1906). ≡ Cucurbitaria [...]

2024-10-28T07:30:45+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Thyridaria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08375

Thyridariaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08374

Thyridariaceae Q. Tian & K.D. Hyde, in Hyde et al., Fungal Divers. 63: 254 (2013). MycoBank number: MB 805172; Index Fungorum number: IF 805172; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08374, 43 species. Saprobic under periderm or immersed in woody plant substrates. Sexual morph: Ascomata perithecial, immersed or semi-immersed, gregarious, circular, globose, coriaceous, black, smooth- walled, with [...]

2022-10-06T07:10:05+00:00September 22nd, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Thyridariaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08374

Parathyridariella dematiacea – Facesoffungi number: FoF 11759

Parathyridariella dematiacea sp. nov. V. Prigione, A. Poli, E. Bovio and G.C. Varese MycoBank number: MB 832837; Index Fungorum number: IF 832837; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11759; Type. Italy, Tuscany, Mediterranean Sea, Elba Island (LI), Ghiaie ISL, 14–15 m depth, 42◦49’04”N, 10◦19’20”E, form the green alga Flabellia petiolata, 20 March 2010, R. Mussat-Sartor and N. [...]

2022-10-06T06:58:30+00:00April 18th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Parathyridariella dematiacea – Facesoffungi number: FoF 11759

Pseudothyridariella chromolaenae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 07827

Pseudothyridariella chromolaenae Mapook & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. MycoBank number: MB 557358; Index Fungorum number: IF 557358; Facesoffungi number: FoF 07827; Fig. 87 Etymology: Name reflects the host genus Chromolaena, from which this species was isolated. Holotype: MFLU 20-0361 Saprobic on dead stems of Chromolaena odorata. Sexual morph:Ascomata 170–345 µm high × 95–220 µm diam. [...]

2022-10-06T07:01:09+00:00April 7th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, Thyridariaceae|Comments Off on Pseudothyridariella chromolaenae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 07827
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