
Greeneria saprophytica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 00064

Greeneria saprophytica N. Tangthirasunun, S. Philippe, D.J. Bhat & K.D. Hyde, in Tangthirasunun, Silar, Bhat, Maharachchikumbura & Hyde, Phytotaxa 184(5): 277 (2014) Index Fungorum number: IF 807748; Faces of fungi number: FoF 00064. Saprobic on dead leaves of Syzygium cumini. Conidiomata acervulus, 140–175 (x̄ = 152) μm diam., superficial to semi-immersed, separate, dark olivaceous to black; [...]

2023-10-15T16:31:44+00:00October 15th, 2023|Categories: Ascomycota, Melanconiellaceae|Comments Off on Greeneria saprophytica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 00064

Melanconiella flavovirens – Facesoffungi number: FoF 11775

Melanconiella flavovirens (G.H. Otth) Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, in Voglmayr, Rossman, Castlebury & Jaklitsch, (2012) MycoBank number: MB 800120; Index Fungorum number: IF 800120; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11775; Fig. 23 ≡ Diaporthe flavovirens G.H. Otth, (1869) = Melanconis flavovirens (G.H. Otth) Wehm., (1937) (see Index Fungorum 2022, and Voglmayr et al. 2012) Saprobic on dead [...]

2022-08-24T06:38:37+00:00August 24th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Melanconiella flavovirens – Facesoffungi number: FoF 11775

Melanconiella meridionalis – Facesoffungi number: FoF 10701

Melanconiella meridionalis Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, in Voglmayr, Rossman, Castlebury & Jaklitsch, Fungal Diversity 57(1): 33 (2012) MycoBank number: MB 800123; Index Fungorum number: IF 800123; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10701; Fig. 24 Saprobic on aerial branch of Ostrya carpinifolia Scop. Sexual morph: Pseudostromata 0.5–1.0 mm diam., scattered on substrate, indistinct, projecting up to 200–300 μm, [...]

2022-08-24T06:43:47+00:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Melanconiella meridionalis – Facesoffungi number: FoF 10701

Sheathospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09979

Sheathospora X.L. Fan, MycoKeys 42: 118 (2018) MycoBank number: MB 828429; Index Fungorum number: IF 828429; Facesoffungi number: FoF 09979; 1 morphological species. Type species – Sheathospora cornuta (C.M. Tian & Z. Du) X.L. Fan Notes – Sheathospora was established to accommodate Melanconiella cornuta previously included in the Melanconiella clade (Voglmayr et al. 2012, [...]

2022-11-03T04:30:14+00:00June 28th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Sheathospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09979

Melanconiella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09978

Melanconiella Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 1: 740 (1882) MycoBank number: MB 3059; Index Fungorum number: IF 3059; Facesoffungi number: FoF 09978; 19 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 16 species with sequence data. Type species – Melanconiella spodiaea (Tul.) Sacc. Notes – Melanconiella is restricted to recently dead corticated branches. The genus is host- specific [...]

2022-11-28T04:22:02+00:00June 28th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Melanconiella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09978

Massariovalsa – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04304

Massariovalsa Sacc., Michelia 2 (no. 8): 569 (1882) MycoBank number: MB 3020; Index Fungorum number: IF 3020; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04304; 13 morphological species (Senanayake et al. 2018). Type species – Massariovalsa sudans (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. Notes – Massariovalsa is a saprobic genus found on woody bark. Massariovalsa was a subgenus of [...]

2022-11-03T04:09:11+00:00June 28th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Massariovalsa – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04304

Greeneria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01493

Greeneria Scribn. & Viala, C. r. hebd. Séanc. Acad. Sci., Paris 105: 473 (1887) Index Fungorum number: IF 8399; MycoBank number: MB 8399; Facesoffungi number: FoF 01493; 1 species with sequence data. Type species – Greeneria uvicola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Punith. Notes – Greeneria was introduced based on G. fuliginea (Scribner & Viala 1887) [...]

2023-10-15T16:40:42+00:00June 28th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Greeneria – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01493

Dicarpella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09976

Dicarpella Syd. & P. Syd., Annls mycol. 18(4/6): 181 (1921) MycoBank number: MB 1512; Index Fungorum number: IF 1512; Facesoffungi number: FoF 09976; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020). Type species – Dicarpella bina (Harkn.) Syd. & P. Syd. Notes – Dicarpella has seven species epithets in Index Fungorum (2020). Dicarpella georgiana was transferred [...]

2022-11-03T04:01:50+00:00June 28th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Dicarpella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 09976

Septomelanconiella thailandica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04850

Septomelanconiella thailandica Samarak. & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. Index Fungorum number: IF555302 Etymology: Name based on the country from which this species was collected, Thailand. Holotype: MFLU 18-0793 Saprobic on recently dead twigs of Syzygium samarangense. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata 360–500 μm diam., 130–200 μm high, pycnidial, immersed, partially erumpent at maturity, [...]

2022-11-28T04:16:37+00:00June 8th, 2019|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Septomelanconiella thailandica – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04850

Septomelanconiella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04849

Septomelanconiella Samarak. & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. Notes 95: 1–273 (2019) MycoBank number: MB 555301; Index Fungorum number: IF 555301; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04849; 1 species with sequence data. Type species – Septomelanconiella thailandica Samarak. & K.D. Hyde Notes – Septomelanconiella is a monotypic genus distinguished from other species in Melanconiellaceae by its 1-euseptate [...]

2022-11-28T04:17:05+00:00May 8th, 2019|Categories: Ascomycota, Diaporthales, Melanconiellaceae, Sordariomycetes|Comments Off on Septomelanconiella – Facesoffungi number: FoF 04849
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