Thyridium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02137

Thyridium Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 1: 110 (1867) MycoBank number: MB 5465; Index Fungorum number: IF 5465; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02137; 32 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with sequence data. Type species – Thyridium vestitum (Fr.) Fuckel Notes – Thyridium was introduced by Nitschke (1867) to accommodate species with uniseriate, muriform, dark-coloured ascospores, [...]

2022-11-29T08:11:03+00:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes, Thyridiaceae|Comments Off on Thyridium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02137

Pleurocytospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 10304

Pleurocytospora Petr., Annls mycol. 21(3/4): 256 (1923) MycoBank number: MB 9459; Index Fungorum number: IF 9459; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10304; 3 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020). Type species – Pleurocytospora vestita Petr. Notes – Pleurocytospora was introduced to accommodate P. vestita and P. lycii (Petrak 1923). Pleurocytospora taxi was introduced from the host Taxus [...]

2022-11-29T08:11:26+00:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes, Thyridiaceae|Comments Off on Pleurocytospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 10304

Thyridiaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01913

Thyridiaceae J.Z. Yue & O.E. Erikss., Syst. Ascom. 6(2): 233 (1987) MycoBank number: MB 82030; Index Fungorum number: IF 82030; Facesoffungi number: FoF 01913; 35 species. Hemibiotrophic or saprobic on woody substrates. Sexual morph: Ascomata stromatic. Stromatal tissue immersed, becoming erumpent to superficial, soft-textured, reddish brown to brightly pigmented. Ascomata immersed in stromata, globose, [...]

2022-11-29T08:12:24+00:00August 6th, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Incertae sedis, Sordariomycetes, Thyridiaceae|Comments Off on Thyridiaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01913
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