
Celerioriella dura – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737

Celerioriella dura (Damm & Crous) Crous, Persoonia 34: 227 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812478; MycoBank Number: MB 812478; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737 Basionym: Phaeomoniella dura Damm & Crous, Persoonia 24: 73. 2010. Etymology - Named after the tough mycelium (durus Lat. = tough). Vegetative hyphae hyaline, 1–2.5 μm wide, smooth-walled, lacking chlamydospores; mycelium on PDA tough, leathery. Sporulation abundant; [...]

2024-04-24T15:15:05+00:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Celerioriella dura – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737

Aequabiliella effusa – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736

Aequabiliella effusa (Damm & Crous) Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812476; MycoBank Number: MB 812476; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736 Basionym: Phaeomoniella effusa Damm & Crous, Persoonia 24: 75. 2010. Etymology. Named after the effuse growth of the colonies (effusus Lat. = effuse). Vegetative hyphae hyaline, 1–3 μm wide, smooth-walled, lacking chlamydospores. Sporulation abundant; conidia formed on [...]

2024-04-24T14:58:57+00:00April 24th, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Aequabiliella effusa – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736

Celerioriella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737

Celerioriella Crous, Persoonia 34: 227 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812477; MycoBank Number: MB 812477; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737 Etymology - Name reflects a rapid growth rate in culture. Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth-walled hyphae, lacking chlamydospores. Conidia formed on hyphal cells and in pycnidia. Conidiophores on hyphae often reduced to conidiogenous cells; if not, then 2–3-celled, [...]

2024-04-24T15:16:04+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Celerioriella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15737

Aequabiliella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736

Aequabiliella Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812475; MycoBank Number: MB 812475; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736 Etymology - Name refers to the uniformly distributed pigment produced in culture. Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth-walled hyphae, lacking chlamydospores. Sporulation abundant; conidia formed on hyphae and in pycnidia. Conidiophores on hyphae mainly reduced to [...]

2024-04-24T14:59:58+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Aequabiliella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736

Minutiella tardicola – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15765

Minutiella tardicola (Damm & Crous) Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812474; MycoBank Number: MB 812474; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15765 Basionym - Phaeomoniella tardicola Damm & Crous, Persoonia 24: 77. 2010. Etymology - Named after the slow growth of the fungus (tardus Lat. = slow, -cola Lat. = growing). Vegetative hyphae hyaline, 1–2 μm wide, [...]

2024-04-23T13:34:17+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Minutiella tardicola – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15765

Minutiella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15738

Minutiella Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015) Index Fungorum Number: IF 812473, MycoBank Number: MB 812473, Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15738 Etymology - Name reflects the minute conidiomata in this genus. Mycelium consists of hyaline, septate hyphae, lacking chlamydospores. Asexual morph: Sporulation is abundant, and conidia form on hyphae and in pycnidia. Conidiophores on hyphae reduced [...]

2024-04-23T13:34:54+00:00April 23rd, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Celotheliaceae, Eurotiomycetes, Phaeomoniellales|Comments Off on Minutiella – Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15738

Mycocaliciaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 15501

Mycocaliciaceae A.F.W. Schmidt, Mitt. Staatsinst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg13: 127 (1970) Index Fungorum number: IF 81039; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15501 Mycocaliciaceae is a family of calicioid fungi and a heterogeneous grouping of ascomycetes included in the order Mycocaliciales with Mycocalicium as the type genus (Angeles Vinuesa et al. 2001). This family represents ascomycetes, with small, usually stalked apothecia, where both lichenized and [...]

2024-02-05T07:58:31+00:00February 5th, 2024|Categories: Eurotiomycetes, Mycocaliciales|Comments Off on Mycocaliciaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 15501

Mycocalicium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 15500

Mycocalicium Vain., Acta Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. 7(no. 2): 182 (1890) Index Fungorum number: IF3311; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15500 Note - The genus was introduced by Vainio (1890) to accommodate species from Calicium which are not lichenized. Schmidt (1970) emended the generic concepts in the Mycocaliciaceae, thus characterized Mycocalicium as having non-septate spores, short asci, periclinal hyphae in the ascoma stalk, and [...]

2024-02-05T07:53:35+00:00February 5th, 2024|Categories: Eurotiomycetes, Mycocaliciaceae, Mycocaliciales|Comments Off on Mycocalicium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 15500

Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum – Facesoffungi number: FoF 00707

Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum Daranag. & K.D. Hyde, in Ariyawansa et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-015-0346-5, [102] (2015) Index Fungorum number: IF551202; Facesoffungi number: FoF00707; Etymology – Refers to the hyaline small celled ascospores; hyalo = hyaline; parvus = small; cellula = cell. Holotype – MFLU 15-0667 Saprobic on cone of Pinus halepensis Miller. Sexual morph: Thallus crustaceous, solitary, erumpent, [...]

2024-02-09T08:18:02+00:00February 2nd, 2024|Categories: Ascomycota, Eurotiomycetes, Mycocaliciaceae, Mycocaliciales|Comments Off on Mycocalicium hyaloparvicellulum – Facesoffungi number: FoF 00707

Pyrenula – Facesoffungi number: FoF 14247

Pyrenula Ach., Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps Academiens Handlingar, Ny Följd 30, 160 (1809) Index Fungorum number: IF ; Facesoffungi number: FoF 14247 Pyrenula is a crustose lichenized genus recorded from smooth and shaded bark that mainly occurs in the tropics but is also distributed in the temperate regions (Cáceres et al. 2013, Ingle et al. [...]

2023-11-21T08:26:12+00:00November 21st, 2023|Categories: Ascomycota, Chaetothyriomycetidae, Eurotiomycetes, Pyrenula, Pyrenulaceae, Pyrenulales|Comments Off on Pyrenula – Facesoffungi number: FoF 14247
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