
Spathulospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02133

Spathulospora A.R. Caval. & T.W. Johnson, Mycologia 57(6): 927 (1965) MycoBank number: MB 5071; Index Fungorum number: IF 5071; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02133; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species with sequence data. Type species – Spathulospora phycophila A.R. Caval. & T.W. Johnson Notes – Spathulospora phycophila was illustrated in Maharachchikumbura et al. (2016b) [...]

2023-12-16T15:11:53+00:00November 14th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporaceae, Spathulosporales|Comments Off on Spathulospora – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02133

Retrostium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08723

Retrostium Nakagiri & Tad. Ito, Mycologia 89(3): 485 (1997) Index Fungorum number: IF 27834; MycoBank number: MB 27834; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08723; 1 morphological species. Type species – Retrostium amphiroae Nakagiri & Tad. Ito Notes – This genus was introduced by Nakagiri & Ito (1997) to accommodate R. amphiroae, a taxon inhabiting Amphiroa zonata (marine [...]

2023-12-16T15:03:23+00:00November 14th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporaceae, Spathulosporales|Comments Off on Retrostium – Facesoffungi number: FoF 08723

Spathulosporaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01410

Spathulosporaceae Kohlm., Mycologia 65(3): 615 (1973) Index Fungorum number: IF 81388; MycoBank number: MB 81388; Facesoffungi number: FoF 01798; 6 species. Parasitic on marine algae. Sexual morph: Ascomata subglobose, ovoid, pyriform, subiculate, coriaceous or leathery, dark brown, sterile hairs enclosing ascoma, ostiolate, ostiolar canal surrounded by tube-like projection extending into the ascomatal cavity, papillate or [...]

2023-12-16T15:02:02+00:00November 14th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporaceae, Spathulosporales, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Spathulosporaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01410

Hispidicarpomyces – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02110

Hispidicarpomyces Nakagiri, Mycologia 85(4): 639 (1993) Index Fungorum number: IF 26466; MycoBank number: MB 26466; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02110; 1 morphological species. Type species – Hispidicarpomyces galaxauricola Nakagiri Notes – Hispidicarpomyces introduced by Nakagiri (1993) is a monotypic genus that shares similar morphological features with Spathulospora. There is no sequence data available for this genus; [...]

2023-12-16T14:46:38+00:00October 29th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Hispidicarpomycetaceae, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporales|Comments Off on Hispidicarpomyces – Facesoffungi number: FoF 02110

Hispidicarpomycetaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01098

Hispidicarpomycetaceae Nakagiri, Mycologia 85(4): 649 (1993) Index Fungorum number: IF 81958; Facesoffungi number: FoF01098; 1 species. Parasitic on a marine alga. Sexual morph: Ascomata superficial, solitary to gregarious, ostiolate, apapillate. Peridium composed of three-layers: outer layer with thick-walled, short hyphal projections, brown to dark brown, middle layer of light brown to dark brown, thick-walled [...]

2023-12-16T14:50:01+00:00October 29th, 2022|Categories: Ascomycota, Hispidicarpomycetaceae, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporales|Comments Off on Hispidicarpomycetaceae – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01098

Spathulosporales – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01798

Spathulosporales Kohlm., Mycologia 65(3): 615 (1973) Index Fungorum number: IF 90500; MycoBank number: MB 90500; Facesoffungi number: FoF 01798; Spathulosporales includes Hispidicarpomycetaceae and Spathulosporaceae, while Hispidicarpomycetaceae lacks sequence data in GenBank. Sequence data are available only for two species of Spathulospora. Our phylogenetic analyses with combined LSU, SSU, and ITS data showed that Spathulospora and [...]

2023-12-16T14:40:17+00:00March 2nd, 2021|Categories: Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes, Spathulosporales|Comments Off on Spathulosporales – Facesoffungi number: FoF 01798
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