Inocybe (Fr.) Fr.
The genus Inocybe (Inocybaceae) is a species-rich genus of Agaricales and is well-known for their ectomycorrhizal ecology and toxicity of most species (Matheny 2009). Matheny (2009) proposed seven major clades or lineages consisting of Inocybe and its allies within the family Inocybaceae. Of the seven clades or lineages (Inocybe s. str., Nothocybe, Pseudosperma, Mallocybe, Inosperma, Auritella and Mallocybella), Auritella and Mallocybella were formally recognised as distinct genera, Auritella and Tubariomyces (Matheny and Bougher 2006a, b; Alvarado et al. 2010). Species of Inocybe are characterised by mostly brownish or rarely whitish basidiomata occasionally with a purplish or lilac hue, a fibrillose-rimose or squamulose pileus, brownish lamellae, brown spore-print, a fibrillose-pruinose stipe at times with a distinct marginate-bulbous base, a characteristic odour, smooth, warty, nodulose or spinulose basidiospores and metuloidal cystidia often with crystalloid deposits at their apices. Several species are devoid of metuloidal cystidia and they are characterised by abundant, thin-walled cheilocystidia (Matheny 2005; Larsson et al. 2009).