Dactuliophora C.L. Leakey, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 47(3): 341 (1964).
Parasitic on leaves. Mycelium generally immersed, hyaline and diffuse in the leaf tissues, aggregated irregularly in the epidermal or deeper leaf tissues into plectenchymic masses from which sclerotiophores and sclerotia develop, ‘sclerotiophore‘ remains after the disjunction of the sclerotium as a superficial or occasionally more or less immersed structure, being the external continuation of the immersed aggregation. Hyphae at the circumference are dematiaceous and relatively large while those in the centre of the ring so formed are generally paler and relatively smaller. Sclerotia maybe glaborus, hispidulous, hispid or sparsely setose, spherical to subspherical, ellipsoidal, pyriform or rostrate, wholly or partly composed of dematiaceous cells on the outside, hyaline and undifferentiated, separates from sclerotiophore by the fracture of many thin-walled cells joining the base of the mature sclerotium to the centre of the sclerotiophore. Note: No other structures have been observed other than sclerotia (Leakey 1964).
Type species: Dactuliophora tarrii C.L. Leakey, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 47(3): 343 (1964).