Asterina antioquensis (Toro) Hongsanan & KD Hyde, comb. nov. Index Fungorum: IF550715.
≡ Placoasterina antioquensis Toro, J. Dept. Agric. Porto Rico 14(4): 229 (1930)
Type: Original material not located.
Epiphytes on the lower surface, forming minute blackened areas. Superficial hyphae spread on host surface, dark brown, easily removed from the host, with appressoria. Appressoria circular, lateral and alternative, sparsely septate. Sexual state: Thyriothecia 240–318 diam μm, superficial, solitary and gregarious on host surface, flattened, poorly developed at the basal, opening by stellate-like fissures when mature, brown to black, hyphae with circular appressoria, opening by stellatelike fissures when mature. Upper wall comprising linear cells, with irregular filiform hyphae, radiating arranged from the centre to the outer rim, branched at the margin. Hamathecium of 2μm, pseudoparaphyses, or absent. Asci 43–51×55–60μm (x = 48 × 57 μm, n=10), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, subglobose to oblong, apically rounded, pedicel short or absent, with ocular chamber but sometimes absent. Ascospores 16–18×30–32μm (x = 17–31μm, n=10), 2 or 4 seriate, oblong to obvoid, 1-septate, constricted and darker at the septum, upper cells slightly longer and wider than lower cell, smooth-walled, brown. Asexual state: Unknown.
Material examined: VENEZUELA, Yaracuy, Ueachiche Zone, on leaf of Miconia sp. (Melastomataceae), May 1995, R. Urtiaga (IMI 367949).
Notes: We were unable to locate the type species, but examined a collection from IMI that is immature. The genus is monotypic and similar to species in Asterina based on morphologically.
Fig. 1 Asterina antioquensis (IMI 367949). a, b Specimen and description. c, d Appearance of thyriothecia on leaf. e Squash mount of thyriothecium. f Squash mount showing upper wall of thyriothecium. g Section through thyriothecium. h Appressoria. i Hamathecium. j, k Asci when immature. l Asci at maturity.m–o Ascospore. Scale bars: e=50μm, f, h, j–o=20μm, g=100μm, i=10μm