Neocamarosporium betae (Berl.) Ariyawansa & K. D. Hyde, comb. nov.,
Basionym: Pyrenophora echinella var. betae Berl., Nuovo Giorn.Bot. Ital. 20: 208. 1888.
≡ Pleospora betae (Berl.) Nevod., Grib. ross. Exs., No. 247. 1915.
= Pleospora betae Björl., Bot. Not. 1944: 218. 1944. (later homonym), nom.
≡ Pleospora bjoerlingii Byford, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46: 614. 1963.
= Phoma betae A.B. Frank, Z. Rúbenzucker-Ind. 42: 904, tab. 20. 1892.
= Phyllosticta betae Oudem., Ned. Kruidk. Arch. Ser. 2, 2: 181. 1877.
= Gloeosporium betae Dearn. & E.T. Barthol., Mycologia 9: 356. 1917.
During our study the putative strains of Pleospora chenopodii (CBS 344.78), P. calvescens (CBS 246.79) and P. halimiones (CBS 432.77) also forms a separate clade basel to the type species of Neocamarosporium, N. goegapense. de Gruyter et al. (2013) treated these species as separate species but our phylogeny clearly show that these three species can be treated a one species thus we propose Neocamarosporium calvescens to accommodate P. chenopodii, Pleospora calvescens and Pleospora halimiones.