Neoantrodiella Y.C. Dai, B.K. Cui, Jia J. Chen & H.S. Yuan
Index Fungorum number: IF551498 Facesoffungi number: FoF01012
Etymology: Neoantrodiella (Lat.): referring to resembling Antrodiella. Basidiocarps annual to perennial, resupinate, effused reflexed or pileate with poroid hymenophores, corky to hard corky, white to cream. Hyphal system dimitic; generative hyphae bearing clamp connections; skeletal hyphae thickwalled, cyanophilous; cystidia present or absent; basidiospores allantoid or ellipsoid, thin-walled, hyaline, smooth, indextrinoid, acyanophilous.
Type species: Neoantrodiella gypsea (Yasuda) Y.C. Dai, B.K. Cui, Jia J. Chen & H.S. Yuan