Leveillella drimydis (Lév.) Theiss. & Syd., Annls mycol. 13(3/4): 284 (1915).
≡ Lembosia drimydis Lév.
≡ Seynesia drimydis (Lév.) Speg. [as ‘drymidis’], Revta Fac. Agron. Vet. Univ. nac. La Plata, Ser. 2 6(1): 108 (1910)
≡ Asterinella drimydis (Lév.) Speg. [as ‘drymidis’], Boln Acad. nac. Cienc. Córdoba 25: 92 [no. 174, reprint pages 94– 95] (1921)
≡ Parasterinella drimydis (Lév.) Speg. [as ‘drymidis’], Boln Acad. nac. Cienc. Córdoba 27(4): 382 (1924)
Type: PC 0084470.
Epiphytes on the upper surface, forming blackened minute areas. Superficial hyphae forming blackened, crustlike, circular areas, hard to remove from the host surface. Appressoria not observed. Sexual state: Thyriothecia 220–280 diam μm, superficial, gregarious and scattered, circular to elliptical to Y-shaped, flattened, conical, opening by linear or stellate fissures. Upper wall composed of dark carbonaceous cells which could not be differentiated. Hamathecium with sparse, filamentous pseudoparaphyses. Asci 31–36 × 20–28 μm (x = 33μm× 25 μm, n= 5), 8-spored, bitunicate, globose to subglobose, short pedicellate, apical region of asci usually with a thick opaque region, apically rounded with ocular chamber. Ascospores 19–25×9–13μm (x= 22×11μm, n=10), one septate, with an upper cell slightly wider and shorter than the lower hyaline becoming brown with age, smooth-walled. Asexual state: Unknown.
Material examined: CHILE, Baie Orange, Terre de Feu, on leaves of Drimys winteri J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. (Winteraceae), 25 August 1883, P. Hariot (PC 0084470, type); Concepción, on leaves of Drimys chilensis (Winteraceae), May-June 1985, Neger, Rehm, Ascomyc. nr. 1373 (SF46316).
Fig. 1 Leveillella drimydis (S-F46316). a Black colonies of fungus on leaves of herbarium material. b Appearance of colonies on the leaves. c Squash mount of thyriothecium. Note the asci inside the thyriothecia. d, e Asci. f–i Ascospores. Scale bars: b=600μm, c=100μm, d, e=20μm, f–i=10μm