Lactifluus (Pers.) Roussel
The ectomycorrhizal genus Lactifluus (Pers.) Roussel is the smallest of the two milkcap genera (Russulaceae). The genus is mainly distributed in the tropics and is well-represented in Thailand (Leetal.2007; Stubbeetal. 2010; Vande Putte e tal. 2010; De Crop et al.2014). In a recent study (De Crop et al. subm.), the genus is revised and four subgenera are proposed: L. subg. Lactariopsis (Henn.) Verbeken, L. subg. Rugati (Pacioni & Lalli) Verbeken, L. subg. Gymnocarpi R. Helm ex Verbeken and L. subg.Lactifluus (Pers.) Roussel.