Halbania cyathearum Racib., Crypt. Par. Java: 89 (1889).
Type: ZT Myc 1488.
Epiphytes forming black spots on the lower surface of fern leaves. Superficial hyphae at the margin of thyriothecia brown, irregular, appressoria not observed. Sexual state: Thyriothecia 150–230 diam μm, superficial, scattered, rounded to oval, flattened, brown to black, opening by stellate fissures. Upper wall comprising an irregular arrangement of dark cells, cells at margin branching and forming superficial hyphae, basal peridium poorly developed. Hamathecium lacking pseudoparaphyses. Asci 48–55×33–38μm (x = 53× 36μm, n=5), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate dehiscence not observed, thick-walled, saccate to obovoid, sometimes globose, lacking or with a short pedicel, apical region of asci usually with a thick opaque region, ocular chamber not apparent, arranged vertically in thyriothecia. Ascospores 33–37×9– 14μm (x = 34×13μm, n=5), 2–3-seriate, fusiform, inequilateral, brown, 3-septate, highly constricted at all septa, septa thickened and dark brown, upper part slightly wider and longer than lower part, smooth-walled. Asexual state: Unknown.
Material examined: INDONESIA, Java, on leaves of Cyathea glabra (Blume) Copeland (Cyatheaceae), identified by M. Raciborski (ZT Myc 1488, holotype): INDIA, Java, Gedeh, on lower surface of leaves of Cyathea (Cyatheaceae), 1899, M. Raciborski (S-F64743).
Notes: Halbania comprises three poorly known species. The specimen from India had 1-septate ascospores with rounded ends and may also be a different species.
Fig. 1 Halbania cyathearum (e, k–mfrom holotype and a–d, f–j from S-F64743). a, b Appearance of thyriothecia on the lower leaf surface. c Squash mount of thyriothecium. d Vertical section of the thyriothecium showing vertical arrangement of asci. e Mature ascus. f Immature ascus. g Ascospores inside asci. h–i Three septate, brown ascospores. Scale bars: d, c=100μm, h–j=50μm, f=20μm, g, k–m=10μm