Cortinarius vinaceogrisescens Ammirati, Beug, Liimat. & Niskanen, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF 551708, Facesoffungi number: FoF 02044, Fig. 2
Etymology – Name based on colouration of the stipe.
Holotype – Michael Beug 03MWB111913 (WTU)
Pileus 30 – 65 mm diam., convex, at times subumbonate, becoming uplifted silky, red brown to light pinkish cinnamon, hygrophanous. Lamellae adnexed, subdistant, reddish brown to dark brown (Natal Brown) when mature. Stipe 60 – 100 mm long, 5 – 10 mm thick, equal, dry, at first white, later pale greyish vinaceous brown (Tilleul Buff) at apex, lower down grey vinaceous brown (Wood Brown). Universal veil white. Basal mycelium white. Odour very slightly fragrant, pleasant. Taste mild. Macrochemical reaction (40 % KOH): pileus cuticle and stipe base Chaetura Black, context and stipe apex Chamois. Exsiccatae: pileus light brown to brown with blackish areas, lamellae brown, stipe brownish to blackish with whitish veil covering above base, basal mycelium white, context pallid to brownish. Basidia 4-spored, 8.5 – 9 × 35 – 42 μm, clavate, hyaline or brownish. Basidiospores 8.5 – 10 × 5.4 – 6.4 μm (20 spores, holotype specimens), broadly ellipsoid, moderately to coarsely verrucose, somewhat to moderately dextrinoid. Lamella trama hyphae hyaline to brown, some encrusted. Pileipellis in KOH: surface hyphae cylindrical, 5 – 9.5 μm wide, hyaline or yellowish to brownish, some encrusted; subtending layer of cylindrical to enlarged hyphae 5 – 18 μm wide, hyaline, walls refractive, interhyphal and encrusted pigment common, grading into trama hyphae. ITS sequence distinct from other species of Cortinarius subgenus Telamonia. With an isolated position and deviating from the othermembers of the subgenus in the ITS region bymore than 20 substitutions and indel positions.
Ecology and distribution – Collections have been made in mixed forests of Quercus garryana and Pseudotsuga menziesii. Producing basidiomata in late autumn. Known from Washington and Oregon, Western North America. The Oregon record is based on a sequence (GenBank no. JQ393038) from a mycorrhizal root tip of Arbutus menziesii (Ericaceae). It differs by some bases from the type material but the differences might be artificial.
Material examined – USA, Washington, Klickitat County, Beug Farm, N 45 48.624, W 121 30.969, mixed forest of Quercus garryana and Pseudotsuga menziesii, 20 Nov 2010, leg. Joseph F. Ammirati JFA13674 (WTU, K). Klickitat County, SDS west of Beug Farm, N45°48′24″, W121°31′06″, mixed forest of Quercus garryana and Pseudotsuga menziesii, 19 Nov 2013, leg. Michael Beug 03MWB111913 (holotype, WTU), (isotype, K(M): 200668).
Notes – Cortinarius vinaceogriseus can be recognized by a combination of brown pileus, first white, later vinaceous brown stipe, rather large, broadly ellipsoid spores and rather dark exsiccatae. It is not very closely related to any previously known species/sections of Telamonia (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Phylogram resulting from the RAxML (Stamatakis 2014) analysis of ITS regions. Bootstrap values greater than 50 % are indicated above branches. New taxa are in blue and ex- type in bold. The tree is rooted with section Cyanites.

Fig. 2 Cortinarius vinaceogrisescens (holotype) a Basidiomata and b Basidiospores. Photograph a Michael Beug, b Joseph Ammirati. Scale bars: a = 10 mm, b = 10 μm.