Camporesia W.J. Li & K.D. Hyde, gen. nov., Index Fungorum number: IF 552005
Etymology: Named after the collector Erio Camporesi
Saprobic on dead stems of plant host. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata pycnidial, globose, superficial to subepidermal, separate, unilocular, thick-walled, ostiolate. Peridium composed of cells of texura angularis, with inner layers hyaline gradually merging with the outer dark brown layers. Conidiophores short, unbranched, hyaline, formed from the innermost layer of wall cells. Conidiogenous cells hyaline, phialidic, ampuliform, smooth-walled, with a periclinal wall thickening at the tip. Conidia pale brown, fusiform, rounded at both ends, 2–3-septate, smooth-walled.
Type species: Camporesia sambuci W.J. Li & K.D. Hyde
Notes: The asexual morph of Xylariaceae has mainly been linked to hyphomycetous (i.e. genicolosporium-like and nodulisporium-like) (Ju and Rogers 1996). Subsequently, the asexual structures were extended to libertella-like coelomycetous genera (Ju et al. 1993, Stadler et al. 2013; Senanayake et al. 2015). Camporesia sambuci was collected form Sambucus ebulus L. and is characterized by globose pycnidia and pale brown, fusiform conidia with 2–3-septa. Camporesia sambuci is morphologically distinct from libertella-like species,which have hyaline, long slender falcate conidia. The phylogeny of the family Xylariaceae is reconstructed based on combined gene (LSU, ITS, RPB2 and β- tubulin) analysis, showing that Camporesia sambuci clusters away from any other genera in Xylariaceae (Fig. 78). Thus Camporesia is introduced as a novel genus in this study.