Septomelanconiella Samarak. & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. Notes 95: 1–273 (2019)
MycoBank number: MB 555301; Index Fungorum number: IF 555301; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04849; 1 species with sequence data.
Type species – Septomelanconiella thailandica Samarak. & K.D. Hyde
Notes – Septomelanconiella is a monotypic genus distinguished from other species in Melanconiellaceae by its 1-euseptate and luminate conidia. The genus is similar to Melanconiella in its finely verrucose, brown mature conidia. Septomelanconiella thailandica forms an independent lineage, phylogenetically distint from other genera in Melanconiellaceae and this is in agreement with the phylogeneties of Senanayake et al. (2017).