Parathyridaria Jaklitsch & Voglmayr, Stud. Mycol. 85: 48 (2016).
MycoBank number: MB 817775; Index Fungorum number: IF 817775; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08377; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 5 species with molecular data.
Type species – Parathyridaria ramulicola Jaklitsch, J. Fourn. & Voglmayr, Stud. Mycol. 85: 48 (2016).
Notes – Jaklitsch & Voglmayr (2016) established Parathyridaria to accommodate Parathyridaria percutanea and P. ramulicola (type species). Parathyridaria was isolated from plant substrates or sometimes reported as a human pathogen (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2016, Tibpromma et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2018b, Wanasinghe et al. 2018c). The genus is characterized by immersed, globose, grey to black ascomata without subiculum, papillate and periphysate ostioles, branched and trabeculate pseudoparaphyses, bitunicate, narrowly clavate asci, fusoid, where upper part is slightly broader than the lower part, multi-septate or 1-septate, pale to greyish brown, guttulate ascospores, with occasionally a hyaline gelatinous sheath, globose to subglobose, black pycnidia, with thin pseudoparenchymatous wall (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2016, Tibpromma et al. 2017), phialidic conidiogenous cells, ellipsoid, unicellular and hyaline to pale brown conidia (Ahmed et al. 2014a). Since Parathyridaria has been introduced in Thyridariaceae (Dothideomycetes), many species were subsequently transferred to this genus based on morphological distinctiveness and phylogenetic evidence (Jaklitsch & Voglmayr 2016, Tibpromma et al. 2017, Crous et al. 2018b, Wanasinghe et al. 2018c). Parathyridaria comprises five accepted species, P. percutanea, P. philadelphi, P. ramulicola, P. robiniae, and P. rosae.