Thyridaria Sacc., Grevillea 4(no. 29): 21 (1875).
MycoBank number: MB 5463; Index Fungorum number: IF 5463; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08375; 30 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 3 species with molecular data.
Type species – Thyridaria broussonetiae (Sacc.) Traverso, Fl. ital. crypt., Pars 1: Fungi. Pyrenomycetae. Xylariaceae, Valsaceae, Ceratostomataceae (Florence) 1(2): 301 (1906).
≡ Cucurbitaria broussonetiae Sacc., Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat. 2(1): 166 (1873).
Notes – The placement of Thyridaria has been uncertain and it was assigned to Didymosphaeriaceae, Melanommataceae, Platystomaceae, Pleosporaceae and Sphaeriaceae at various times (Wehmeyer 1941, 1975, Munk 1957, Luttrell 1973, Müller & Arx 1973, Dennis 1978, Barr 1979a, b, 2003). Barr (2003) summarized the various descriptions of Thyridaria and suggested that the genus can be characterized in having an ample subiculum surrounding ascomata, which formed under the periderm or in woody plant substrates, with ascospores having both thickened and darkened septa and walls. Jaklitsch & Voglmayr (2016) examined several thyridaria- like genera, and applied a multi-gene analysis to clarify intergeneric taxonomic affinities of Thyridaria in the Pleosporales.