Thyridium Nitschke, Pyrenomyc. Germ. 1: 110 (1867)
MycoBank number: MB 5465; Index Fungorum number: IF 5465; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02137; 32 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with sequence data.
Type species – Thyridium vestitum (Fr.) Fuckel
Notes – Thyridium was introduced by Nitschke (1867) to accommodate species with uniseriate, muriform, dark-coloured ascospores, 8-spored asci and filiform paraphyses (Nitschke 1867). Furthermore, species of Thyridium are characterized by KOH+ stromata, cylindrical or clavate asci, and very pale brown to dark brown muriform ascospores (Checa et al. 2013, Maharachchikumbura et al. 2016b). Asexual morphs are coelomycetous, or produce holoblastic sympodial conidia from hyphae (Leuchtmann & Müller 1986).
Figure 243 – Thyridium lasiacidis (Material examined – FRENCH GUIANA, Saül, vicinity of the town, elev. ca. 200 m, on dead culms of Lasiacis ligulata, 3–16 February 1986, G.J. Samuels 3784A, NSF BSR 8500236, holotype, NY 01293357). a, b Herbarium material. c Appearance of stromata on host substrate. d Stomatal tissue in 5% KOH. e Surface view of peridium. f Transverse section through ascomata. g. Transverse section through the peridium. h Paraphyses in 3% KOH i- m Asci. n-p Ascospores. Scale bars: c = 500 µm, e = 50 µm, f = 100 µm, g = 50 µm, h-m = 20 µm, n-p = 10 µm.