Minutiella Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 812473, MycoBank Number: MB 812473, Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15738
Etymology – Name reflects the minute conidiomata in this genus.
Mycelium consists of hyaline, septate hyphae, lacking chlamydospores. Asexual morph: Sporulation is abundant, and conidia form on hyphae and in pycnidia. Conidiophores on hyphae reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, reduced to mere openings formed directly on hyphal cells, rarely to short necks, discrete phialides very rare; collarettes mostly inconspicuous. Conidia aseptate, hyaline, cylindrical to obovate, smooth. Microcyclic conidiation rarely observed. Conidiomata pycnidial, solitary, subglobose, superficial, pale to dark brown, globose to subglobose, unilocular, opening by irregular rupture, wall 1–2 cell layers thick, composed of pale brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, hyaline or brown, ampulliform to angular. Conidia hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved, smooth.
Type species – Minutiella tardicola