Aequabiliella Crous, Persoonia 34: 225 (2015)
Index Fungorum Number: IF 812475; MycoBank Number: MB 812475; Facesoffungi Number: FoF 15736
Etymology – Name refers to the uniformly distributed pigment produced in culture.
Mycelium consisting of hyaline, smooth-walled hyphae, lacking chlamydospores. Sporulation abundant; conidia formed on hyphae and in pycnidia. Conidiophores on hyphae mainly reduced to conidiogenous cells, subcylindrical to navicular. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, discrete phialides rare, mostly reduced to very short adelophialides or more often, with collarettes formed directly on hyphal cells, distinct phialides navicular or elongate-ampulliform and attenuated at the base; collarettes and periclinal thickening conspicuous. Conidia aggregated in masses around the hyphae, hyaline, 1-celled, cylindrical to obovate, sometimes slightly curved, both ends obtuse, smooth-walled, containing small droplets. Conidiomata pycnidial, solitary, subglobose, superficial, unilocular, opening by irregular rupture, wall composed of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells enteroblastic, hyaline, broadly ellipsoidal, somewhat angular, collarette very short or inconspicuous. Conidia hyaline, aseptate, cylindrical, sometimes slightly curved, both ends obtuse, smooth-walled, containing small droplets.
Type species – Aequabiliella effusa