Lonavalomyces Dubey Gen. nov. (Fungi, Ascomycota)
Index Fungorum number: MB 828731; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Colonies epicolous, flat, brown, branching hyphae, septate, colorless or slightly brown, roughned; Conidiophores borne laterally or terminally along the vegetative hyphae, simple or branched, brown, smooth to verrucose; Conidiogenesis is holoblastic; Reproductive structures in form of long persistent conidial chain; Conidial chains borne apically or laterally on conidiophores; conidial chains unbranched or branched, mostly stalked or sometimes sessile, having 4-8 conidia per chain with one apical large verrucose conidium and successive small conidia; Apical conidium, large, spherical, brown, with heavy walls, verrucose, normally separates from the conidial chain on maturity, sometimes produces germ tubes after detachment from the chain; successive conidia mostly spherical, but variable in shape and size, sometimes appears cup shaped as the half wall breaks up. The conidia are interconnected by isthmi and are held together as a persistent chain with a continuous outer wall layers including the large apical cell.
SPECIMEN EXAMINED: India, 18° 44′ 53.0160” N
and 73° 24′ 25.9884” E, Lonavala, Maharashtra, 01 Nov. 2017 , on fallen Bamboo stems, Rashmi Dubey, BSI 134150, MB 82873.