Biligiriella gen nov.S. Sengupta Chatterjee and Rashmi Dubey Figs. 1, 2.
Index Fungorum number: MB828737; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Colonies growing as thread like projections on the substratum. Synnemata cylindrical, rope like structure, acapitate, superficial, without any definite shape, variable in size, visible with naked eye, branched, composed of numerous loosely aggregated whitish cream, smooth, parallel hyphae. The synnemata covered by a loose layer of monoblastic, simple, smooth walled, straight or cylindrical, white phialides. Philaides bearing solitary, globose to subglobose, aseptate, smooth walled, white conidia.
Material examined – India, Karnataka, Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary, on dried leaves of palm (Holotype), 09 September 2015, Shreya Sengupta Chatterjee, Accession No. BSI (WC) 202199.
Fig. 1 : Biligiriella indica gen et sp. nov. A: Synnemata growing as thread like projections on the substratum. B: Acapitate synnemata composed of numerous loosely aggregated whitish phialides. Bars:
A 200 μm; B 50 μm; C-F 20μm
Fig. 2 :Scanning electron microscopic images of Biligiriella indica gen. et sp. nov. A-B.Cylidrical synnemata composed of numerous loosely aggregated whitish cream, smooth, parallel hyphae. C-E. Acapitate synnemata showing monoblastic phialides and solitary conidia borne at the terminal part F. Globose to sub- globose,aseplate smooth walled conidia. Scale Bars : A, B-D 20 mm; E2 mm; F 10 mm.