Calonectria hongkongensis Crous, Stud. Mycol. 50(2): 422 (2004) Fig. 4

MycoBank number: MB 500107; Index Fungorum number: IF 500107; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11341;

Micromorphology: Associated with leaf spot of Eucalyptus gunnii. Telemorph: not observed. Anamorph: Macroconidiophores septate, hyaline. Primary branches of conidiogenous apparatus 10–20 × 2–4 μm; secondary branches aseptate, 7–15 × 2–4 μm; tertiary branches 6–13 × 2–4 μm; each terminal branch producing 2–3 phialides, 5–10 × 1–3 μm. Veslcles 8–10 μm diam, sphaeropedunculate to obpyriform. Macroconidia (38–)40–43(–46) × 4–6 μm (x̄ = 42 × 5 μm, n=50), cylindrical, straight, 1 septate. Megaconidia and microconidia not observed.

Culture characteristics: Colonies on MEA fast growing at 25 ℃, growth rate 10.7 mm/d (n = 5), circular, with regular margin, producing abundant white aerial mycelium; reverse light-yellow to dark-brown.

Material examined: China, Guangdong province, Guangzhou city, Eucalyptus gunnii Hook, (Myrtaceae), 11th July 2019, C.T. Chen and X. Sun (dried culture ZHKU 21-0013), and living culture, ZHKUCC 21-0016.

Notes: In the phylogenetic analysis a single isolate obtained from E. gunnii clustered with Ca. hongkongensis with 99 % ML, 100 % MP and 1.00 BYPP support. The anamorph of the isolate from this study is similar to Ca. hongkongensis described by Crous et al. (2004). Telemorph did not observe in this study. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Ca. hongkongensis from E. gunnii.

Figure 4. Calonectria hongkongensis (ZHKUCC 21-0016: New host record) a–b: Culture characteristics on MEA after 7 days (a, upper view; b, reverse view); d: Macroconidiophores; c, e: Conidiogenous apparatus; f–j: Vesicles; h–i: Macroconidia; Scale bars: c–i = 10 μm.