Tubakiaceae U. Braun, J.Z. Groenew. & Crous, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 1:62 (2018)
MycoBank number: MB 823660; Index Fungorum number: IF 823660; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06366; 29 species.
Saprobic or endophytic and pathogenic in leaves and twigs causing leaf spots and twig dieback. Sexual morph: apiognomonia- and dicarpellum-like, diaporthaloid, dark, rostrate, ostiolate perithecial ascomata, with dark stromatic layers, polyascal. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate. Ascospores hyaline, aseptate or with a single septum near the apex. Asexual morph:. Coelomycetous. Conidiomata pycnothyria, Conidiogenous cells monophialidic, hyaline, having collarettes. Conidia globose to broad ellipsoid-obovoid, aseptate, hyaline to pigmented, often with basal frill or truncate peg-like hilum (adapted from Braun et al. 2018).
Type genus – Tubakia B. Sutton
Notes – Species of Tubakiaceae are characterized by conidiomata comprising a convex scutella with radiating threads of cells connected to the substratum by a central columnella, mostly surrounded by a sheath of small fertile cells which develop to 1-celled, phialidic conidiogenous cells (Braun et al. 2018). Most Tubakiaceae species have been recorded as endophytes, nevertheless some act as mild pathogens forming leaf spots or saprobes on shed or still attached leaves. Based on taxonomic investigations, Tubakiaceae comprises eight genera, viz. Tubakia, Apiognomonioides, Involutiscutellula, Oblongisporothyrium, Paratubakia, Racheliella, Saprothyrium and Sphaerosporithyrium (Braun et al. 2018, Senanayake et al. 2018).