Thozetella Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 2: 873 (1891)
Index Fungorum number: IF 10214; MycoBank number: MB 10214; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12974; 26 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 17 species with sequence data.
Type species – Thozetella nivea (Berk.) Kuntze
Notes– Most Thozetella species have been reported from decaying plant material and soil in tropical habitats, while some species were reported in temperate habitats (Silva & Grandi 2013). Species of this genus are characterised by sporodochial or synnematous conidiomata, phialidic conidiogenous cells, and aseptate conidia, with unbranched setula at each end and sterile microawns (Sutton & Cole 1983, Paulus et al. 2004, Jeewon et al. 2009).