Tainosphaeria F.A. Fernández & Huhndorf, Fungal Divers. 18: 44 (2005)
Index Fungorum number: IF 28947; MycoBank number: MB 28947; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12975; 5 species with sequence data.
Type species – Tainosphaeria crassiparies F.A. Fernández & Huhndorf
Notes – This genus is typified by T. crassiparies, which was isolated from a Hymenaea seed pod (Fernández & Huhndorf 2005). Species of this genus are saprobes and recorded from both terrestrial and freshwater habitats (Fernández & Huhndorf 2005, Liu et al. 2016, Lu et al. 2016). Species of Tainosphaeria are characterized by subglobose to ovoid ascomata, cylindrical, pedicellate asci, with a J-, apical ring, and narrow-fusiform, septate ascospores (Fernández & Huhndorf 2005). The asexual morph is hyphomycetous, with mononematous, unbranched conidiophores, phyalidic conidiogenous cells with a collarette and ellipsoidal to clavate, or falcate, hyaline conidia (Fernández & Huhndorf 2005, Liu et al. 2016, Lu et al. 2016).