Spodocybe Z. M. He & Zhu L. Yang, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 839050; Index Fungorum number: IF 839050; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Diagnosis: Differs from Ampulloclitocybe by its small basidiomes and subregular la- mellar trama rather than medium-sized basidiomes and bidirectional lamellar trama. Differs from Cuphophyllus in the ratio of basidia to basidiospore length less than 5, and lamellar trama subregular rather than interwoven. Differs from Cantharocybe in its absence of cheilo- and caulocystidia, having small basidiomes rather than large ones and having subregular lamellar trama rather than regular one.
Etymology: Spodorefers to grey; –cybe refers to head; that is a Clitocybe-like genus with gray pileus.
Type species: Spodocybe rugosiceps Z. M. He & Zhu L. Yang.
Description: Basidiomes small, clitocyboid. Pileus convex, applanate to infun- dibuliform; surface dry, greyish (2B1), grey-brown (5C4) to dark grey-brown (5E4); center depressed with age. Lamellae decurrent to deeply decurrent, white (1A1) to cream (1A2), thin, moderately crowded, sometimes furcate and interveined. Stipe central, subcylindrical, concolorous with pileus. Basidiospores ellipsoid, oblong to cylindrical, colourless, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, inamyloid; ratio of basidia to basidiospore length less than 5. Pileipellis and stipitipellis a cutis. Lamellar trama subregular. Clamp connections abundant, present in all parts of basidiome.
Habitat, ecology and distribution: Saprophytic, usually gregarious or caespitose on the ground of coniferous or coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest; distributed in the temperate and subtropical zones from June to November.