Limtongozyma Boontham, Angchuan, Boonmak & Srisuk gen. Nov.

MycoBank number: MB 827376; Index Fungorum number: IF 827376; Facesoffungi number: FoF;

Limtongozyma (Lim.tong.o.zy’ma. L. nom. f. n. Limton- gozyma a yeast named in honour of Professor Savitree Limtong for her contributions to yeast systematics in Thailand). Yeast cells divide by multilateral budding. Pseudohyphae are produced. Ascospores have not been observed in individual or in mixed cultures. Glucose may be fermented. Diazonium blue B reaction, urease activity and acid production are negative. The major ubiquinone is CoQ-9. Phylogenetic placement: Saccharomycetales, Saccharomyco- tina, Ascomycota.

The type species of the genus is Limtongozyma cylindracea.


  • Limtongozyma cylindracea