Scoriadopsis J.M. Mend., in Stevens, Annls mycol.28(5/6): 365 (1930)

Index Fungorum Number: IF4965

Type species: Scoriadopsis miconiae J.M. Mend., Stevens F.L. (1930)

Type species of this genus is Parasitic on the upper surface of the leaf, though sometimes present on the lower portion. Sexual state: Mycelium perisporioid, slimy, weft-like, straw-colored, hyphopodia absent; perithecia stalked, oval, gelatinous, ostiolate; asci 8-spored, aparaphysate; spores hyaline, cylindrical, 1-septate.

Notes: Type species of this genus on Miconia sp. British Guiana; Tumatumari, July 10. The colonies appear sooty, black, more or less circular, varying from about a millimeter to almost 1 cm in diam. They are found on the upper surface of the leaf, though sometimes present on the lower portion. This fungus resembles the genus Scorias Fries in many characters, but is has 1-septate spores while Scorias has several celled spores.

Importance and role: Parasitic


Stevens F.L. (1930) Parasitic fungi of British Guiana, Trinidad and Costa Rica. Annales Mycologici 28 (1-6): 365.

Chomnunti P., Schoch C.L., Aguirre-Hudson B., Ko-Ko T.W., Hongsanan S., Gareth Jones E.B., Kodsueb R., Phookamsak R., Chukeatirote E., Bahkali A.H. and Hyde K.D. (2011). Capnodiaceae. Fungal Diversity 51: 103-134. DOI 10.1007/s13225-011-0145-6.


  • Scoriadopsis miconiae