Pseudozeugandromyces De Kesel & Haelew, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 835916; Index Fungorum number: IF 835916; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Etymolog y: – Pseudo– from Greek, referring to the morphological similarities to Zeugandromyces.
Description: – Receptacle axis composed of three superposed cells (I, II, III); cell II higher than broad, pentagonal, apically supporting cells III and VI. – Primary appendage composed of a basal cell carrying two simple antheridial branches of superposed cells, each with a single intercalary antheridium. – Perithecium one per thallus, asymmetrical, gradually tapering upwards, with a broad and rounded apex.
Type species: – Pseudozeugandromyces tachypori De Kesel & Haelew.