Burrowsia Fryday and I. Medeiros, in Fryday, Medeiros, Siebert, Pope & Rajakaruna, S. Afr. J. Bot. 132: 473 (2020)
MycoBank number: MB 835878; Index Fungorum number: IF 835878; Facesoffungi number: FoF14956;
The new genus is characterized by its pigmented, submuriform ascospores and asci with an apical tube-like structure. It is further distinguished from all other genera by its DNA sequence data.
Type species: Burrowsia cataractae Fryday and I. Medeiros
Etymology: The name honours John and Sandra (Sandie) Burrows, the managers of Buffelskloof Nature Reserve from where the type species was collected, for their outstanding, life-long contribution to conservation and biodiversity research in South Africa. Because the genus is monotypic, a separate description of the genus would be superfluous.