Phylloporus Quél., Fl. mycol. France (Paris): 409 (1888).
Index Fungorum number: IF18275
Phylloporus is characterised by having a gilled to somewhat poroid hymenophore and bacillate basidiospore ornamentation with few exceptions (Neves & Halling 2010, Neves et al. 2012, Chuankid et al. 2019). The type species, P. pelletieri was described from Europe and approximately 90 species have been described from all over the world (He et al. 2019, Index Fungorum 2020). Phylloporus species have been reported from tropical to subtropical as well as from temperate areas (Corner 1970). In Asia, they are found mostly in forests dominated by Fagaceae or Dipterocarpaceae trees (Chuankid et al. 2019). An updated three-gene phylogenetic tree for Phylloporus species with new records for Thailand is presented in Fig 1.
Fig. 1 – Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree inferred from the three gene dataset (ATP6, RPB2, TEF1-α), including Phylloporus attenuates, P. gajari and selected Phylloporus species. The four Xerocomus species were used as outgroup taxa. The tree topology derived from the Bayesian analysis was similar to that derived from the maximum likelihood analysis. The best RAxML tree with a final likelihood value of -11227 is presented. The matrix, with 766 distinct alignment patterns and 9.6% undetermined characters or gaps, was divided into four partitions. For each partition, estimated base frequencies, substitution rates (relative to GT=1), and gamma distribution shape parameter α were as follows. atp6: A = 0.32, C = 0.12, G = 0.11, T = 0.45; AC = 0.64, AG = 1.36, AT = 1.12, CG = 0.24, CT = 1.23; α = 0.098; ef1-α exons: A = 0.23, C = 0.27, G = 0.25, T = 0.24; AC = 0.81, AG = 7.01, AT = 1.29, CG = 0.87, CT = 11.2; α = 0.206; rpb2 exons: A = 0.28, C = 0.23, G = 0.25, T = 0.24; AC = 1.37, AG = 9.93, AT = 0.97, CG = 0.51, CT = 16.0; α = 0.187; ef1-α and rpb2 introns: A = 0.25, C = 0.18, G = 0.23, T = 0.34; AC = 1.94, AG = 8.12, AT = 1.03, CG = 1.24, CT = 8.37; α = 0.677. Holotypes are in bold and black. The newly generated sequence are indicated in blue. Bootstrap frequencies ≥ 70% and posterior probabilities ≥ 0.95 are shown above supported branches.