Neoacladium P.N. Singh & S.K. Singh, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 556212;Index Fungorum number: IF 556212; Facesoffungi number: FoF 5687;
Etymology: Name refers to its morphological similarity to the genus Acladium.
Type species: Neoacladium indicum P.N. Singh & S.K. Singh
Saprobic on dead bark of tree of terrestrial habitats. Asexual morph. Colonies effuse, cottony or velvety, rhizoidal, light yellow,powdery, reverse greyish orange. Mycelium mostly semi-immersed or immersed, single or interwoven, light olivaceous. Stroma none. Chlamydospores produced from lateral hyphae, bulbous and inflated, simple to branched, constricted near septa, pigmented, trident shaped, subhyaline to light olivaceous. Setae and hyphopodia absent. Conidiophores semi- macronematous, mononematous, fasciculate, dichotomously loosely interwoven, branched, straight or flexuous, subhyaline to light olivaceous, smooth, septate. Conidiogenous cells integrated to terminal sometimes discrete, determinate, acropleurogenous, polyblastic, inflated or sometimes cylindrical, persistent occasionally sessile, denticulate, denticles numerous. Conidia solitary or catenate, dry, variously shaped, sub-globose- globose, clavate- obclavate, lenticular, pyriform to ampulliform, smooth- walled, pigmented, sub-hyaline to light olivaceous. Sexual morph Undetermined.
Notes: Phylogenetic analysis of ITS and LSU sequence data indicates that Neoacladium is a distinct genus in Botryobasidiaceae, which forms a clade sister to Botryobasidium. Neocladium is close to Acladium, but differs from all other allied genera in having subhyaline to light olivaceous variously shaped conidia, viz. globose to sub- globose, clavate, obclavate, lenticular, ampulliform and pyriform, catenate conidia, dentate and phialidic condiogenous cells and presence of abundant trident like pigmented chlamydospores.