Longinectria O. Savary, M. Coton, E. Coton and J-L. Jany, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 840949; Index Fungorum number: IF 840949; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10964;
Etymology: – From the latin longus = long, “Longi-” refers to the phialides length (on average 42 µm; 15–72 µm, some being very long – 153 to 237 µm) observed for the Longinectria species and “-nectria” refers to the Nectriaceae family.
Type species: – Longinectria lagenoides O. Savary, M. Coton, E. Coton & J-L. Jany, sp. nov.
Ascomatal state unknown. Conidiophores are variable-length phialides, sometimes extremely long (e.g. 153–237 µm), lateral, sometimes verticillate, hyaline. Macroconidia straight to slightly curved, apical cell morphology blunt to papillate and a basal cell often notched, 0–3 septate, hyaline. Microconidia ovoid, ellipsoid to allantoid, 0–1 septate, hyaline. Chlamydospores absent to abundant, globose, single, in pairs or chains, intercalary or terminal.