Balladynaceae Boonmee & K.D. Hyde, in Boonmee et al., Mycosphere 8(10): 1701 (2017).
MycoBank number: MB 553827; Index Fungorum number: IF 553827; Facesoffungi numbers: FoF 03663, 47 species.
Parasitic on living leaves. Sexual morph: Mycelium network-like, branched, septate, with hyphopodia, with or without setae. Hyphopodia numerous, knob-like, dark brown. Ascomata superficial, formed on hyphae, with a subiculum, solitary, scattered, globose to subglobose, with apical pore, minutely pedicellate at the base, olivaceous brown to dark brown, with transparent wall, surrounded by mycelium network. Peridium comprises 1–2 layers of olivaceous-brown cells of textura angularis, lacking pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, globose to subglobose, sessile. Ascospores multi-seriate, ellipsoid, upper cell wider, hyaline to light brown when immature, fawn to olivaceous-brown or brown at maturity, 1-septate. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Clasterosporium sp., Tretospora sp. (adapted from Boonmee et al. 2017).
Type: Balladyna Racib.
Notes: Balladynaceae was established by Boonmee et al. (2017) to accommodate Balladyna (type), Balladynocallia and Balladynopsis. Balladynaceae can be distinguished from other families of Dothideomycetes based on its parasitic lifestyle, hyphae with hyphopodia, ascomata formed on hyphae, with or without setae, subglobose asci and 1-septate, hyaline to brown ascospores. No molecular data is available to confirm its phylogenetic placement within Dothideomycetes.