Asperosporus Karl.-Ayala, Gazis & M.E. Sm., gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 838905; Index Fungorum number: IF 838905; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Etymology: From the Latin “asper” (rough) and “sporus” (spores), for the highly ornamented spores.
Distinguished from other genera in Agaricaceae by a combination of the following characters: Basidiomata hypogeous and sequestrate, globose to subglobose, astipitate, and friable when dry. Gleba loculate, brownish, turning pink-red when freshly cut or bruised, hydrophobic, drying powdery and friable. Basidiospores subglobose to ellipsoid, pale yellow-orange when young but turning brown with age, thick-walled, ornamented, sterigmal remnants attached, and strongly dextrinoid in Melzer’s reagent. Basidiomata producing a rancid odor when fresh. Clamp connections absent.
Type species: Asperosporus subterraneus Karl.-Ayala, Gazis &M.E. Sm.