Tubulicolla Réblová & Hern.-Restr., in Réblová, Nekvindová, Kolařík & Hernández-Restrepo, Mycologia 113(2): 420 (2021)

Index Fungorum number: IF 835575; MycoBank number: MB 835575; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15253;

Typification – Tubulicolla cylindrospora (Morgan- Jones & E.G. Ingram) Réblová & Hern.-Restr.

Etymologytubulatus (Latin) meaning tubular, refer- ring to the tubular neck between the collarette and the body of the conidiogenous cell; collo (Latin) collarette, referring to the conspicuous collarette.

Colonies effuse, hairy, dark brown to black on the natural substrate. Mycelium composed of subhyaline to pale brown hyphae aggregated to form small stromata, from which setae and conidiophores arise. Setae unbranched, upright, straight, cylindrical, dark brown becoming pale brown toward the apex, apical cell clavate developing into a monophialide. Conidiophores arise in groups around the setae, shorter than the setae, macronematous, mononematous, unbranched, upright, straight, brown. Conidiogenous cells phialidic, clavate to lageniform, terminal, integrated, with a tubular extension at the apex, with a single apical opening. Collarettes funnel-shaped, hyaline. Conidia sub- cylindrical to cylindrical, obtuse at each end, straight or slightly curved, smooth, accumulating in slimy, colorless fascicles at the tip of the conidiogenous cells.

Habitat and distribution – Saprobes on fallen leaves, known from North America and the Caribbean (Morgan-Jones and Ingram 1976; this study).

Notes – Tubulicolla is characterized by upright, fertile setae formed on stromatic cells and encircled by shorter, unbranched conidiophores terminating in monophialides with a tubular neck below the funnel-shaped collarette and hyaline, nonseptate, smooth conidia. The multigene   analysis    revealed    that    Tubulicolla    is a member of the Vermiculariopsiellales (Hernández- Restrepo et al. 2017), distantly related to Dictyochaeta.