Tahromyces Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB830865; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Typification: Tahromyces munnarensis Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef.
Etymology: Tahro = referring to the Nilgiri tahr from which the species was isolated; myces = the Greek name for fungus.
Obligate anaerobic fungus that produces globose monoflagellate zoospores. Biflagellate and triflagellate zoospores are rare. Both endogenous and exogenous sporangia are observed with varying shapes and sizes. Endogenous sporangia with one or two main rhizoidal systems and with branched rhizoidal system are fre- quently observed. Exogenous sporangia have short and frequently swollen sporangiophores. Sporangial necks are frequently constricted. Septa often form at the base of mature exogenous sporangia. Zoospore liberation happens after irregular dissolution of the sporangial wall. The clade is defined by the sequences MK775321 (ITS1) and MK775310 (D1–D2 28S rDNA).