Stictographaceae D.Q. Dai & K.D. Hyde, in Dai et al., MycoKeys 369(2): 70 (2018).
MycoBank number: MB 554064; Index Fungorum number: IF 554064; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03912, 39 species.
Lichenicolous. Sexual morph: Ascomata solitary, scattered to clustered, superficial, cymbiform to lirelliform, with slit-like disc, with a slit or star-shaped fissure, black to dark brown. Peridium thick, outer layers of black to dark brown, thick-walled cells of textura angularis, inner layers of light brown to hyaline cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium comprising dense, filamentous, septate, unbranched or occasionally branched at upper part around the asci, cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, clavate to subglobose, with an ocular chamber, apically rounded, short pedicellate. Ascospores 2-seriate to irregularly arranged, ellipsoid, hyaline, becoming light brown to dark brown, 1-septate, with slightly larger upper cell, and narrower lower cell, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined (Dai et al. 2018).
Type: Stictographa Mudd.
Notes: Stictographaceae was introduced to accommodate four lichenicolous or saprobic genera which have cymbiform to lirelliform, or a slit-like discs, black to dark brown ascomata, wide clavate to subglobose asci, and ellipsoid, brown, 1-septate ascospores (viz. Karschia, Labrocarpon, Melaspileopsis and Stictographa; Dai et al. 2018). In the phylogenetic tree, these four genera clustered as a distinct clade within Asterinales (Dai et al. 2018). As the type species of Buelliella clustered within the clade of Stictographaceae, we therefore include Buelliella in Stictographaceae.