Stephanoma Wallr., Fl. crypt. Germ. (Norimbergae) 2: 269 (1833)

MycoBank number: MB 10087; Index Fungorum number: IF 10087; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13224; 6 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020).

Type speciesStephanoma strigosum Wallr.

NotesStephanoma species are mycoparasites on ascomycetes or sometimes associated with orchid roots (Wallroth 1833, van Zinderen-Bakker 1934, Butler & McCain 1968, Rakvidhyasastra & Butler 1973). The genus is characterised by hyphomycetous asexual morphs producing globose to cuboid, hyaline or golden brown to brown conidia and ovoid, hyaline conidia on verticillate branches (Wallroth 1833, Butler & McCain 1968). No sexual morph has been linked to this genus.


  • Stephanoma strigosum