Srinivasanomyces S. Rana & S.K. Singh, gen. nov.
Index Fungorum number: MB830717; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06119
Etymology: Generic epithet named after M.C. Srinivasan, who is a well-known mycologist of India, to commemorate his immense contribution in mycology.
Isolated from dead bark of Prunus cerasoides.
Sexual morph: Undetermined.
Asexual morph: Colonies flat, cir- cular, margin irregular smooth, slightly cottony, slow grow- ing. Hyphae simple to branched, sometimes in bundles, smooth-walled, subhyaline, septate. Chlamydospores abun- dant, solitary or in chains, globose to subglobose, smooth- walled, pigmented, subhyaline to light olivaceous. Produces multiple asexual morphs. Conidiophores produced from lat- eral hyphae, indeterminate, intercalary, simple to densely branched, septate, smooth-walled, subhyaline to light oliva- ceous. Conidiogenous cells subhyaline to light olivaceous, lateral to terminal, phialidic, simple to dentate, solitary to densely produced, monoblastic to polyblastic. Phialides var- iable, solitary or in dense clusters forming globose conidial heads, subhyaline to light olivaceous, smooth-walled, col- larette, cylindrical to ampulliform. Conidia produced in gleosporic mass, sometimes directly from superficial lateral hyphae, subhyaline to light olivaceous, smooth-walled, pyri- form to obpyriform, globose to subglobose, fusoid, clavate, solitary to catenate, with 1–2 guttules.
Type species: Srinivasanomyces kangrensis S. Rana & S.K. Singh
Notes: – The proposed genus Srinivasanomyces morpho- logically resembles some features in Phialocephala. How- ever, it differs in having variably-shaped conidia that are pyriform to obpyriform, globose to subglobose, fusoid, or clavate. It produces dense globose clusters of conidial heads and the conidiophores are formed in an indeterminate, intercalary, simple to dense globose to subglobose clustered mass. Srinivasanomyces differs from other genera based on phylogenetic analysis. In a megablast analysis, the ITS sequence of Srinivasanomyces was nearly 88% similar with known taxa. Phylogenetically, it formed a separate distinct clade with strong bootstrap support.