Sporidesmioides Jun F. Li, Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, Mycol. Progr. 15(10): 1171 (2016).
MycoBank number: MB 817934; Index Fungorum number: IF 817934; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02515; 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with molecular data.
Type species – Sporidesmioides thailandica Jun F. Li, Phookamsak & K.D. Hyde, Mycol. Progr. 15(10): 1171 (2016).
Notes – Sporidesmioides is characterized by large ampulliform, septate and dark brown conidia with paler apical cells and a conspicuous, hyaline, flexuous sheath at the tip, straight or curved, septate, dematiaceous, conidiophores with thick walls and dark, protuberant, polyblastic, conidiogenous loci. In phylogenetic analysis of combined LSU, SSU, rpb-2 and tef1 sequence data, Sporidesmioides was placed in Torulaceae (Li et al. 2016b).