Rhagadodidymellopsis Fdez.-Brime, Gaya, Llimona & Nav.-Ros., Plant and Fungal Systematics 65(1): 177 (2020).
Index Fungorum number: MB 835454; Facesoffungi num- ber: FoF 09130;
Diagnosis: Ascomata black, perithecioid, unilocular, solitary or most commonly clustered inside a stromatic structure, with a clearly rugose and irregular surface, ascomal wall pseudopa- renchymatous, blackish brown. Interascal filaments abundant, branched and anastomosing. Ostiolar filaments visible. Asci 8-spored, fissitunicate, thickened at apex, with distinct ocular chamber, clavate, stipitate. Ascospores hyaline, narrowly obo- vate to elongate ellipsoid, with smooth surface and conspicuous gelatinous sheath, 1-septate, markedly constricted at septum, heteropolar, with oil droplets. Asexual stage unknown.
Generic type: Rhagadodidymellopsis endocarpi Fdez.- Brime, Gaya, Llimona & Nav.-Ros.
Etymology. It refers to the fact that the stromatic ascomal wall resembles species of Rhagadostoma and that the spore features resemble species of Didymellopsis.
Ecology. Lichenicolous, growing superficially on the thallus of Endocarpon, so far only found on E. pusillum.