Radulomycetaceae Leal-Dutra, Dentinger, G.W. Griff., fam. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 831047; Index Fungorum number: IF 831047; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Diagnosis: Differs from resupinate forms of Pterulaceae in the monomitic hyphal system and the absence of cystidia. Cystidia may be either present or absent in Pm. xylogenum, in the latter case the amygdaliform spores differentiate the species from Radulomyces that has ellipsoid to globose spores.
Etymology: From the type genus Radulomyces.
Type genus: Radulomyces M.P. Christ. 1960.
Description: Basidiome resupinate, effused, mostly adnate, ceraceous, hymenophore smooth, tuberculate, odontioid, raduloid or poroid. Hyphal system monomitic, generative hyphae with clamps, hyaline, thin- to slightly thick-walled. Cystidia absent. Basidia terminal clavate or other form if pleural, usually with 4-sterigmata and a basal clamp. Basidiospores ellipsoid to globose, hyaline, mostly smooth, thin- to slightly thick-walled, acyanophilous, inamyloid and non-dextrinoid.
Notes: Radulomyces, Aphanobasidium and Radulotubus are placed in Radulomycetaceae. Larsson (2007) suggested that Lepidomyces had affinities to Aphanobasidium and could possibly be placed in Pterulaceae. However, no sequence data for the genus are available. Lepidomyces is described as bearing pleurobasidia as in Aphanobasidium, but also leptocystidia as in Coronicium and Merulicium. Given its morphological similarities to Aphanobasidium and the Coronicium superclade, we retain Lepidomyces as incertae sedis until molecular data are available to confirm its phylogenetic position