Piedraia hortae Fonseca & Leão, Supplemento 4(Suppl.): 124 (1928). Fig. 21
MycoBank number: MB 267365; Index Fungorum number: IF 267365; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06140.
Notes – Piedraia hortae causes black piedra which is an important disease in South America, Asia and Pacific islands. We provide the drawing of Piedraia hortae in Fig. 21.
Figure 21 – Piedraia hortae (redrawn from Viegas 1943). a Stroma on human hair. b Vertical section through ascoma. c Hypha on the culture. d Ascospores. e Peripilar nodules grown on hypha on culture. Scale bars: a–e = 20 μm.