Otidea ovalispora M. Zeng, Q. Zhao & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. FIGURE 17
MycoBank number: MB; Index Fungorum number: IF; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12602.
Saprobic on soil. Sexual morph: Apothecia 0.5−2.5 cm broad, 1.5−3.5 cm high, scattered to gregarious, ear-shape, split, stipitate. Stipe 2−8 mm broad, 0.6−2 cm long, terete, solid, yellow ocher, nearly smooth, basal with white to cream tomentum and mycelium. Receptacle surface yellow ocher, mostly concolorous with hymenium, margin mostly deeply split on one side, sometimes split in excess. Hymenium yellow ocher, nearly smooth. Stipitipellis 30−70 µm broad, of textura angularis to textura globulosa, brownish to brown, composed of 10−16 × 7−10 μm cells, with hypha-like hairs, abundant close to base, composed of 2−3 µm wide, brownish, septate. Ectal excipulum 50−100 µm, composed of textura angularis to textura globulosa, 16−24 × 13−20 μm cells, yellow to brownish, with swollen hypha-like hairs, 5−7 μm, sometimes with yellow-brown resinous exudates. Medullary excipulum 130−170 μm, composed of textura intricata, 3−6 µm broad, hyaline to yellowish hyphae. Paraphyses 2−3 µm broad, with yellow pigmented, filiform, mostly curved at the apex, exceeding the asci, without or with 1−3 low notches close to apex. Asci 155−178 × 10−11.5 μm, 8-spored, cylindrical, operculate, inamyloid. Ascospores [20/1/1, in H2O] (9.7−) 9.6−11.2 (−13.1) × (5.4−) 5.6−6.3 (−7.0) μm (Q = 1.64−2.06, Q = 1.76±0.11), ellipsoid, hyaline, uniseriate, equilateral, rarely slightly inequilateral, rounded at the ends, uniguttulate to biguttulate, smooth. Asexual morph: Unknown.

FIGURE 17. Otidea ovalispora. a–c Typic mature specimens. d Stipitipellis. e Ectal excipulum. f Asci and paraphyses. g–i Asci. j Apex of ascus. k–m Ascospores. Scale bars: d–i = 50 μm. j–m = 5 μm.